Saturday, April 28, 2012

I  stumbled onto a completely NEW (to me) string of bloggy goodness and I've been lost in it during coffee time each morning all week! So, I want to share....Below you will find an intro and then the link to an article called " 5 ways mindfulness changed my life" on a page called Creative Spiritual Women.
Check it.
"It’s incredible to me how mindfulness has changed my life.
When we understand on a very real level that everything we focus on we are bringing into our lives, we begin to see that there are fewer and fewer things that really deserve that kind of power.
This is incredibly liberating and powerfully creative..."
OH! And don't forget to listen to this...
I have 2 blessed days off before I start my 14 days of straight every day mother's day flowershop madness. boo. 
The book was sent thru the interweb yesterday!!!!!
and i'm off to water my peas and cucumbers and peppers...oh my!


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